Sign Retroreflectivity

In December 2007, the Federal Highway Administration issued regulations governing the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices for maintaining traffic sign retroreflectivity.  The regulations established certain standards that must be achieved regarding a sign’s retroreflectivity, or ability to return light to its source.  This ensures that light striking a sign from vehicle headlights is reflected back to the driver.

To assist member governments in meeting these regulations, the MPO adopted the Regional Traffic Sign Retroreflectivity Maintenance and Management Plan for the Jackson Urbanized Area.  In May 2012, the CMPDD purchased a sign inventory program (I Trac Signs) and retroreflectometers (RoadVista 922), device used to measure a sign’s retroreflectivity levels.  Both the software program and the retroreflectometers are currently available for use by all local governments within the MPO area.

For additional information, please contact Scott Burge at (601) 981-1511.

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